Attorney-at-Law with work experience since 1997.

I am pleased to welcome you on my website!

If you are here, it means you have faced a problem for solution of which you need experience, specialized legal knowledge, skills of successful and long practicing attorney to work in judicial and public bodies.

You have addressed the right place!

I am striving to provide my clients, local or international, corporate or individual, with the highest quality legal services available.

I offer every client my personal approach and all the experience gained over the years of the law practice, which best suits the interests of a person who contacted me.

Hundreds of cases have been won in the course of many years of practice of law, it makes possible to provide my clients with qualified legal assistance in different spheres in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

I handle a wide variety of legal matters, including criminal and civil defense in all Courts of the Russian Federation - in Arbitration (Commercial) courts and courts of General jurisdiction.

I also represent clients in the European Court of Human Rights.

A detailed description of the services rendered by me, you can find on page Practice areas.

All principals are guaranteed confidentiality of any information related to obtaining legal aid, including the fact of their consultation with a lawyer.

My name is Ekaterina Malinovskaya,
  • call me:

  • visit me:

Varshavskoye Hwy,1 building 6, "W-Plaza 2",
A-422, Moscow, Russia, 117105

  • get online consultation

  • write me an e-mail:

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E.Malinovskaya Attorney-at-Law
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