Contact info:

Ekaterina Malinovskaya


phd in law,

the head of Moscow city Bar

“Postanyuk and Partners”

Varshavskoye Hwy, 1 building 6, "W-Plaza 2", A-422, Moscow, Russia, 117105

+7 (985) 443 90 43

How to get:
By metro:
Tulskaya metro station (1st carriage from the center, exit №1)

By car:
- from the center along the Novodanilovskaya embankment: take right after the TTK;
- going along the Warsaw highway from the region: turn your right at 50 m before the railway bridge and cross the tram track;
- going along the Novodanilovskaya embankment from the region: - turn your left at 30 m before you reach the TTK
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E.Malinovskaya Attorney-at-Law
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